
About us

Gris Tormenta is a small press that imagines, edits, and publishes particular series of books on the contemporary intersection between writing, reading, and editing. Through literary essay and memoir, it explores the idea of the book itself, its possibilities, components, and structures.

Each series — and each title — is the answer to a question, an idea or a debate generated by the editors. Rather than discovering new writers, it proposes new perspectives on texts, concepts, and authorship.

Our editorial series:

Disertaciones: Anthologies around a theme discussed by a heterogeneous group of voices, or around a question that suggests a collective dissertation. These group-thinking texts try to define a concept that eludes definition. The fragments are autonomous, but it’s in the collective writing where the strength of the discussion lies, and where the relevance of the idea for contemporary readers and writers can be found.

The anthologies are accompanied by annexes, editorial exercises that give an account of the process of research and realization — and turn the last pages of the book into a starting point towards further explorations.

Editor: Rare finds and original stories about the ideas that occur in the backstage of the contemporary world of books: an exploration out of the curiosity of the editor. First-person accounts that reveal the stories that happen before a book is opened by a reader, and the long and unexpected processes behind the multiple editorial professions: creation, copyediting, translation, and publication; design, criticism, and editing.

All the books in the series have a foreword that works as a dialogue with — or a critical view of — the main text.

Paisaje Interior: What happens in between an author's aesthetics and ethics? How is his gaze shaped? And how does this way of seeing, this consciousness, become the origin of a poetics, of a being-in-the-world? The essays in the series analyze the act of reflection as an event, as the precipitation of a subjectivity: thought, processed, embodied, rebuilt. It is in this state of discernment that the ebullition of life — what is lived and what is read — is transformed into what is to be created.

Books are published in Spanish and distributed in these countries.